사이트 소개

진단검사의학 검사는 환자로부터 채취된 검체로 질병의 진단, 예방 및 치료를 위하여 실시하는 검사 또는 건강인으로부터 채취된 검체로 건강의 손상이나 전반적인 건강상태를 평가하는 모든 종류의 검사를 일컫습니다.

이를 통해 임상의들이 질병의 진단이나 치료 효과 판정을 내릴 수 있게 하는 역할을 하게 되는데, 진단검사의학과에서 시행하는 검사는 그 종류가 매우 다양하여 혈액에 들어있는 각종 성분을 분석하는 것뿐 아니라 소변, 뇌척수액, 체액 등도 검사를 시행합니다. 또한 인체의 감염병을 진단하기 위하여 세균, 바이러스, 진균 등 각종 미생물을 분리하여 동정하기도 하고, 암세포를 분리하여 그 암세포의 성상을 밝히는 검사도 합니다. 혈액은행에서는 병원 내 수혈이 필요한 모든 곳에 혈액을 공급하는 일을 맡고 있으며, 이와 관련된 각종 검사나 헌혈, 성분헌혈, 혈장교환 및 치료적 혈구성분채집술 등도 시행합니다. 최근에는 각종 유전검사를 시행하여 질병과 관련된 최신 유전 정보를 제공하며, 유전상담을 통하여 환자들을 돕고 있습니다. 진단검사의학과의 각종 검사 기법은 최신 의학 지식 및 기술을 환자 진료에 접목하여 의료진에게 최선의 진료가 가능할 수 있도록 합니다.

Lab Tests Online에서는 이렇게 많은 정보를 담고 있고 보건 의료에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있는 진단검사의학 분야의 각종 검사에 대해 이해하기 쉽게 기초적 정보를 환자 및 그 보호자들에게 제공하고자 만들어 졌습니다. 또한 임상의 등 의료 전문가들도 간편하고 신속하게 검사의 참고치나 검사법을 검색할 수 있게 만들어져서 진단검사의학 길라잡이 역할을 하게 될 것입니다.

Lab Tests Online의 모든 자료는 대한진단검사의학회가 제작 및 감수를 시행한 신빙성 높은 자료이며, 대한진단검사의학회에서 운영하는 사이트입니다.


Information on testing is not always available or easily located and sometimes, when it can be found, it is sometimes inadequate in addressing the needs of patients and their families. Lab Tests Online changes all that.

This site has been designed as a single resource where people can find up-to-date lab testing information vital to the understanding and management of their health or the health of someone close to them. Our focus is very specific to clinical lab tests and the topics that relate to them. On this site you will find the following:

Test descriptions. At the core of the site is a library of tests, also called analytes, that will provide helpful background for understanding why a test might be given and how to interpret its results. We also explain what kind of sample, or specimen, is required to perform the test, and we provide answers to some commonly asked questions.

Conditions. The site also includes a library of conditions and diseases that are briefly described and linked to the tests that are typically used to screen for, diagnose, and monitor them.

Wellness Guide. Preventive screening is an important part of maintaining your health. With our Wellness guide, organized by age and condition, we provide a survey of screening recommendations from some of the leading scientific authorities. Many organizations have weighed in with recommendations that are not always in agreement with one another but, in the end, screening is a matter between you and your doctor. This guide should help get you started. You can also read our article Staying Healthy in an Era of Patient Responsibility

News. Advances in technology are having a tremendous impact on clinical lab testing. From refinements in clinical research to development of more home testing devices and kits to the promises of Internet technologies (enabling such things as this web site), there is a lot going on in this field that has a direct effect on you, the health care consumer. To help you keep up, we aggregate the news, summarizing from key news sources and supplementing with original work.

In-depth articles. What is a reference range? And how does it affect you? How do you cope with anxiety over providing a bodily sample for testing? How much can you trust the home tests that are available? These and other important questions are examined and answered in a set of feature-length articles developed exclusively for Lab Tests Online. They provide a broader perspective that can help you better understand your tests.

The Lab. This part of the health care infrastructure is a mystery to most health care consumers. We try to pull back the curtains a bit to show you what real-world wizardry occurs inside the lab because, without it, many diagnoses would be reduced to guesswork and early detection and prevention of numerous conditions could not occur. We hope that these pages help you feel better about being tested and give you an appreciation for the good work of so many people.

Search and Menus. On every page but the home page, you will find three popdown menus labeled "Tests," "Conditions," and "Screening" that will take you directly to any page in these three libraries. On our home page, you will find these libraries in the three scrolling windows on the right. If you don't find what you are looking for in the libraries, we recommend that you use the site Search tool, also located at the top of every page, for a quick and thorough search of the site.

External information and services. Throughout the pages of the site, we have tried to include links to other web sites where you can follow up to learn more about specific conditions and their treatments. We also provide links to web services provided by sites other than Lab Tests Online. You will find our links to be specific to the context of a particular page. We have tried to connect to the sites we know best and trust most. With limited resources, we have not been able to be comprehensive and would welcome any suggestions for additional linkages to credible information or useful services.

Send Us Your Comments. Finally, we are very interested in how you are able to make use of Lab Tests Online. Please take a moment to send us your comments - it is our goal to respond in the most timely and effective manner to constructive suggestions for improving the site and its content.